2020 and 2021 have been difficult for two reasons: the pandemic and climate change. 2020 started out with a nice spring (reasonable rainfall), but dried out severely in the summer, leading to some terrible fires (here and on the west coast). 2021 started out cool and wet, but it dried out again in the summer. Fortunately there was enough moisture from the wet spring to inhibit summer fires, but as I write (November, 2021) it has been incredibly dry. We are feeling the mega-drought. My favorite images are from damp seasons, which seem increasingly threatened. I’d be photographing a lot more if rainfall were normal. But despite everything (and a grueling work schedule) it’s been a good year for photography.

Time out for me to get on my soapbox. In case anybody hasn’t noticed, the vultures of climate change are coming home to roost. The Guardian had a wonderful but terrifying article about how the carbon industry has lied to us for the last thirty years— with devastating effect.

The above two images were taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, September 2021.
I haven’t decided which I like the best. I’ll probably print both.
Taughannock Falls, Trumansburg, NY (near Ithaca), October 2121. Autumn came late.
We missed the best colors, but it was still beautiful.
Saratoga Springs, NY, October 2021